The usual response when I receive yet another parcel in the post!

Friday, 15 July 2011

ASL - Anhalt Pandemonium FrF44

Russian Turn 5 - Movement Phase continued

Gerard had not read the victory conditions fully, thinking that it depended upon how many vp we BOTH had on or north of hexrow R. I corrected the error of his ways. He must have more vp on or north of hexrow R than I have on the whole board. At the moment I have 23vp on the board and he has 10vp over the finish line. Vehicles do not count their armour value. North is to the right of the screen.

A squad survived a 16 Fire power (FP) -2 attack to get through whilst another failed on a 1FP -2, such are the variables of the dice in ASL.

The StuG fires point blank at a leader and squad, breaking the leader but the squad continues but is later stopped before the finish line too.

The final shot in this session involved an SS Squad armed with a PsK with a 10-2 leader shooting at a russian squad running for his life using a hedge as cover. I just first fired the squad wanting to save the 10-2 leader for support the squad when it fires at one of the T34 tanks with the PsK. This shot (shown by the red line in the picture above) broke the squad leaving some residual FP. I have sent the log back now waiting for Gerards next move.

ERROR - I received an email from Gerard. I fired as 6FP, but as the range is 6 hexes the shot should have been 2FP, therefore the squad is not broken and leaves no residual - dooh! I will correct.

This is going to be a close game. Though I think Gerard has enough to get to the finish. I need a little luck to stop him fully. I say I am due some....Gerard would proberbly disagree!

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