Quest One - Cauldron of Tears
OverLord - Violet
Heroes - Andrea, Gavin, Linda and Aaron
This is an interesting smallish quest. The first time that Gavin, Andrea and Linda had played the game and the first time that Violet had Overlorded against anyone other than me.
The basic story is that a Medusa aka "the Old Crone" has turned most of the villagers to stone, and they can be turned back to flesh by the Heroes killing her and using her magical iten the Cauldron of Tears.
After the intial scrapes with beastmen and lava beetles we came up against Shades, which having the stealth amd ghost ability proved difficult to kill, especially for my Melee based character.
The game lasted a long time (6 hours) considering the size of map, but it was most players first game. It went right to the wire. The heroes having only 1 conquest token remaining as they enered the lair of the Crone. However I used my Taunt ability (which forces most monsters to attack my charcter, which has the most armour and hit points), so that the others could eventually deal with her.
Apart from a few rules queries the game ran fairly smoothly and I look forward to the next. Violet makes for an interesting Overlord, and as her rules familarity grows so will her confidence and therefore i shall assume nastyiness!
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