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Thursday, 4 August 2011

ASL - Heroes at Leros - FT166

ATTACKER - British - Aaron Sibley
DEFENDER - German - Pete Phillips

November 1943. British are to attack and take the large building on level 4 on board 9. They have 5 turns to capture the building, and travel over half the board against elite Germans. The Germans end up with 11 squads, the British end up with 14. This scenario looks very tough on the British and the ROAR rating of 0 wins for the British and 4 for the Germans seems to suggest as such.

Pete and I played using VASL and Skype. The Intial setup -
However I queried the dummies being in crags and open ground, and Pete had incorrectly placed those units. There was some minor adjustment, but the defence was essential the same. After three British turns and some weird rolls on the dice the situation is as such -

The British have cleared a path to the building and are within a hex of it with some of their forces. German reinforcements arrive. They will need to face British firepower to reinforce the buildings defenders of 1 squad and a half squad.

Situation near building after the German turn 3 -

We had to stop at that point with two turns to go. Looks like a German win as the building must be controlled.

Not a bad scenario, but not a patch on the prior one FT165.

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